Sunday, February 28, 2010
On The Brighter Side...
My blog is Ugly and other reasons to cry...
perdon, esq siento que me estas reganando y ya se que no es tu intencion pero estas diceindome cosas que ya se y tenes toda la razon pero me estresa pq no soy superman
lo se
solo te pido que antes que sigas con el blog analises la imagen que estas dando
te lo digo como amiga
y porque te quiero
ya se analu... sigh
take a few steps back and analize what you want to say to ppl
vos sus una cineasta en new yourk
ahorita sos tu propia micro empresa
tenes que explotar las habilidades que si tenes que son muchas y yo lo se
subi fotos al blog sobre como estas haciendo la pelicula
your sets
diagramas, etc
ppl get interested when they see you work
get them inspired
mano eso estoy tratando de hacer
i know you are good at that
ok, youre right
vos las personas son como los tiburones... once you bleed you are dead
i know you are, solo que le estas dando al clavo a una de las cosas que mas estres me causa que es mantenerme al tanto de mil cosas al mismo tiempo sin que ni una ni la otra se desmorone
entonces encargate de menos
talvez comunicate a las personas por medio de otro medio que no tengas que estar tan estresada y al tanto
no pueeeedo. Ya esoy ignorando un monton de cosas que deberia de tener hechas.
Es que no es tan faaacil
es un full time job
ok don´t cry
y no tengo el tiempo si me quiero mantener viva
entonces el blog en este momento no sea la mejor opción
que tla si pones un fan page en facebook?
subis tus peliculas
subis fotos de la documental
you update ppl on how you are going
explain ppl what you are up to
masto tiene un fan page y le va re bien ... y le iba bien mucho antes de sacar canciones
no es tan complicado de mantener
podes poner caciones, fotos, video, links
y escribir en el wall
mira este es otro blog de una cuata
que hace como poesia y reflexiones
mano pero el blog se trata de el "making of" de mi doc
no de mis gustos
ok, anda a verlo ahora
que pensas
your blog en este momento no tiene nada que sea eye catcher
ya lo viste ahorita?\
esta negro
pues, al menos le puse un header
esta mejor de cuando lo vi hace dos días
ademas es limitado lo que puedo hacer con Blogger
i know
chriss es diseñador
ahroita me recorde
i hate facebook chat
ya se
es un popo
i have a love/ hate relationship with it
right know i will have to say instead a simpson pq no pones fotos como backstage of your film
pq es una documental!
no hay un backstage
nombre pero fotos del lugar y cosas aasi
si pero tiene que ir con un articulop\
para eso esta el webstie
pero gracias. I appreciate it
de veras
no quiero sonar enojada
i know you have lots of things on/in your mind
nunca he logrado master the in on
on your mind
in your head
thank you
pues ya en un par de semanas saldra el nuevo look de mi website
slowly but surely
ok thats good
y habra un link mas obvio desde mi blog a mi website
y vice versa
me parece
Down & Dirty DV

To those who read my blog (and I fancy there are thousands of you), I just wanted to let you all know that I also write for another blog, Down & Dirty DV. Down & Dirty DV is a small production company dedicated to helping up and coming indie filmmakers make their movies on any budget. So, since the readers of my Making Of blog might be interested in learning some tips and stuff about filmmaking at indie levels, check out or
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Email Opt Outs
Anyway, I just wanted to vent my frustration to my anonymous collective mass of readers. Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Website Under Way
In a similar way I am now doing my own website. Thank goodness Joey knows photoshop and could give me some pointers, and I am getting a hang of Dreamweaver. Especially since I have DreamTemplates which I bought for Artistic Tributes.
So the promise that went out with yesterday's Newsletter that by the March newsletter I would have a new website now has to come true because both trials are only for 30 days.
Here is what I have so far:
The website Header

And a button, which i have to re-make to say "Contact Us" And not "Contacts"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Another Typo to squirm about
The February newsletter just went out. I was quite happy with it. Aaand then, since my own personal email address is in the list of contacts, I received the email and realized that the subject line has a typo: "A New Blog, public appearaces and more! "
Hurray. The "n" on my keyboard gets stuck sometimes but this time it screwed me over. So now what do I do? Send it again with that correction and annoy people because they got two emails? Get filed a Spam?
Sigh. I guess I am going to just have to grin and bear it. Unless anyone suggests any different?
There was also the time that I sent out a bunch of resumes that said that I had plenty of experience in "pubic relations" instead of "public relations"...
Fresh off the Press

Ok, let us dream a little. You know how Tristar/Columbia have a black and white logo and then a kickass full-colored one?
So what I am going to do is coerse my mother the artist (see her work here) to paint the logo for me. I think Owen, my little cousin, pose for me.
Websites and Exposure
I have been asked to speak at an NYU Colloquium. While it is a conversation with the Freshmen for a class I used to fall asleep in, it is still my first public appearance and I plan to film it and put snippets of it on my website, which by then will hopefully be new and improved.
To help me with my website, I have taken on Nitzan Rotschild. He needed to know in advance that I would need his help in the future so I could be included in his schedule of projects to hand to his immigration lawyer. Happy to help, now I have an extra hand. He is going to edit together a trailer (much needed) and my reel (also much needed) so they can be posted on my new personal site.
I now own, and soon will own
I am slowly working on uploading content to so that it can be included in my new profile page in and both need to be featured on which I have not even started. Jonathan is too busy to finish my website these days and so that is one more thing i have to figure out. Fun times.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Status of Things...
Going to see my mom, my dad and my sister really reminded me of just how we are all in the same position we were a year ago. Of how our lives changed and have not quite settled.
My dad just got back from a trip to St. Lucia. He went there for a potential project he could start and be employed at. Meanwhile, since he is jobless, he is probably going to work for the US 2010 Census. Nothing to be ashamed of, it puts food on the table and pays rent.
My mom is painting. That is all she is doing. Which is great. It really really is because, as I said in an interview, when mom is happy she paints and when she paints she is happy.
And Jessica. Jessica's whole life and career got hit with a gigantic monkey wrench. Will she go to Guate to study? Will she study here? If she goes to Guate where will she live? Alone? With Luis Pedro? With a bodyguard? With a maid? Can she even go back to where she left off in her rotations? Does she even want to stay in Medicine? Did her grades drop too low after mom was kidnapped to ever repair her academic record to the point that she could get accepted in the US? Will she be safe in Guate? What if something happens? What if what if what if. I sometimes think I should have made a documentary just about my sister's Med-School issues after the kidnapping.
Anyway, just some thoughts...

That is as far as the logo has come so far. Jonathan, my brother, is currently getting his Masters in Graphic Design from Miami Art Institute, and also working full time at Carnival Cruises. He is busy and has not gotten back to me on the change.
It is a really minor thing, this logo. My company isn't even published in the journal publication or whatever that the New York State Office of Something requires because, up until recently, I could not afford the $1500 cost of this little technicality. But it is a small step, this logo, that makes the company more real to me, and a small step that I can take while other things have slowed down.