FIRST OF ALL- I almost posted this up on the wrong blog! Ah! since I have access to both this and the
Down & Dirty DV blog and they are both under my gmail/blogger account I clicked "new post" on the wrong one and didnt notice until i TRIED TO pUBLISH IT but some random error and stroke of luck didnt let me. Good god that would;ve been bad!
Ok ok, so I didnt get into ifp. i wrote a couple of letters to Mr. Tabbot and Ms Vincelli but Joey intervened and pointed out that it wasnt the best idea to send them. Sigh. so i didnt. BUT
big things coming up.
I just finished my application to Fledgeling Fund. It is a foundation that gives money to projects that are socially relevant and have some sort of message. My only concern is that they also give a lot of money to other foundations including Chicken & Egg. And they ask what other programs am I applying to? Well, for better or worse I listed Chicken & Egg. I hope they are not mutually exclusive!
But still coming up soon is the ShowBiz Expo. I got an email that the postcards are printed and on their way in two separate packages weighing 52 and 14 lbs. yey.
I also bought some things at Staples to jazz up my little area at the Expo. I got a little desk businescard holder, a pamphlet/postcard holder, a little box like the ones where you put change in at mc donalds to support child diabeties or whatever that has a slot on top and a space for a sign and has a lock so that what goes into the slot can only be opened with the key. I will use that for a "join my mailing list" box for people to drop business cards in. And a postcard holder that swirls to display my cards
someone recommended i have candies at my stand. So i might do that. Mints or something.
Oi, this expo is costing me.
While the event is free to go to it cost me $99 to get my postcards put into all of the gift bags and another $60 for my screening booth area thing.
the things at staples were like $30
The postcaards cost me like $350 with shipping. I should have done it here in manhattan so as not to have to pay shipping... wait, as i type that i remember that i looked up some places and it srelaly came out to be about the same.
And now i am going to buy candy.. oh and i still need posters.
I really really hope something good comes of this...