That is the name of the new humble little production company I just started. It is an LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation, and it is now officially registered and about to be published thanks to my entertainment attorney, Miriam Stern. I have set up the bank accounts associated with my new business, I already started getting mail addressed to "Adventurous Stranger, LLC", I am making a website, my brother is making a logo, I have a movie a I am already making... it is all wonderful.
Now I just need money to put into the accounts. My potential investors should be calling me very shortly and I am hoping their answer will be, "Yes Christa, we have thought it over and over and we would love to invest in your marvelous film. Our fellow investor friends who we spoke to would also love to pitch in. Who do we write the check to?" and I would say, "Write it to Adventurous Stranger, LLC, please"
The title Adventurous Stranger comes from my signature poem, written by CS Lewis for his book The Magician's Nephew, the first of the Chronicles of Narnia. The poem goes as follows:
Make a choice, adventurous stranger,
strike the bell and bide the danger
or wonder till it drives you mad
what would have followed if you had.
It has been an inspiration for me for years now, signifying the courage to go for it, even if you are scared, or risk regretting it forever. Don't die wondering, would some it up.
My other choice was "Button Soup, LLC". I have often though that the story Stone Soup is a great metaphor for a producer who finds creative solutions even when you get a lot of "no"s and the situation seems dire. Except when told in Spanish it is "Sopa de Boton", basically Button Soup. And I thought that the anecdote of creative problem solving would also be a great ideal upon which to build my budding company.
I am going to write more about my Stone Soup metaphor for my other blog, the Down and Dirty DV blog.
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